"Life is a long lesson in humility." -- James Matthew BarrieWe live in the age of the Hater, where we place emphasis on having victory over odds and others. From birth, we are taught to pursue what we want in life, and that the most important opinion is our own. The toughest heart is girded to hold to the belief that you can only count on yourself. You are all you have. Even religious-minded people hold similar thoughts: "Trust no man, only God." " Only God can judge me." Circumstances, which are meant to chip away the hardness of our hearts, only add to the boulder on our shoulders. Overall, it's puzzling to me why we end up choosing to grasp tighter to ourselves, instead of letting go. Is it that we think we'll end up losing ourselves at the end of it all? But that's impossible.

We are who we are.
When God created us, He didn't just mold our outer shells. He also placed an inner nature deep inside. That, which is "in His image". But, as the story goes, we believed a lie and took on another, false nature. True love is self-sacrificing, but we are taught that love is indicative on how a person makes us feel. We weren't created to deny our feelings, or be led by them. Yet, God knew that a passionate heart, tainted by a sinful nature would equal disaster. Which is why we, as human beings, are in a constant, ever-abounding need of an ego check.
All of us. From Hitler to Mother Theresa.
Our society desires to keep us occupied on the dissension that lies between us, instead of the real battle that's going on. I'm not downplaying hurt, rejection, or any of the other forms of heartache that one can endure in a lifetime. However, we are taught that the remedy is to increase your self-love. That if you'd simply love yourself more, it will help you make sense of all you've been through. But, that is incomplete.
It's amazing the point of reference you have when you take the stance of a servant.
I feel you here...But I believe in self love...No one can love you, like you can love yourself...Because people may care to some extent but no one now days really truly cares enough about another than they do themselves...SO its like all we got is ourselves, when we are down and out...The ones that should be there, arent...So we do what we gotta do to make it in this world
ReplyDeleteI completely understand, and I write from experience. But I think an abundance of self-love is exactly the problem...
ReplyDeletethanks for reading sis!